Day 10 / June 25 – This was definitely one of our most jam-packed days yet. We woke up early and headed to Soper’s Hole on the west end of Tortola. While the boat got cleaned, fueled up and reprovisioned, the group took a trip up the hill to the Good Moon Farm, a local organic farm (goodmoonfarm.com). Our guest lecturer, Stuart, joined us and shared his insight/expertise related to agroecology and sustainability, with a focus on tropical island systems. We sampled several local/tropical fruits and vegetables and discussed the impact of human population growth and unsustainable agricultural practices. Then we met up with the boat for a dive at Brewers Bay. We had a great dive that included a neat swim through. After dinner, we prepared for our night dive, also at Brewers Bay. For half of our students this was their first time diving at night. It was good fun! After the dive, Stuart had some delicious warm “bush tea” waiting for us – they even made use of the coconuts and cinnamon we harvested from the organic farm by infusing them into our brownies. We ended the day learning about Stuart’s research and the connection between the land and the sea before hitting the rack and getting some well-deserved rest.