During these challenging and uncertain times, the SeaTrek BVI family would like to show support and extend well wishes to its network of students, parents, staff and partners across the globe. The impacts of the current Coronavirus pandemic are touching us all, but we want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure we are prepared to conduct another safe, successful and FUN summer of SeaTrek voyages, just as we have done for nearly 20 years.
You can be assured that after months of home-based and remote schooling, isolation and quarantine measures, we will be ready to engage our SeaTrek students in a summer filled with outdoor activity, socialization, hands-on learning and fun!
Our SeaTrek programs are built upon the principles of TEAMWORK, PERSONAL GROWTH and achieving COMMON GOALS. At times like these, we must rely even more on those values and work together to overcome current challenges. While governments and several local and international agencies continue to make decisions and issue guidances, we are dedicating our full attention to working with you and our BVI partners to stay updated on current events, communications, and advisories.
In the coming months, SeaTrek will remain diligent in monitoring health and travel updates and advisories from trusted global agencies, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and the U.S. Department of State (DOS), among others. We also coordinate with several on the ground BVI partners who provide the latest information from a local perspective. We encourage our SeaTrek families to stay informed by accessing the most up-to-date information available.
We welcome your questions and encourage you to contact us to discuss updates and any concerns you may have regarding our future voyages. Please call 1.877.467.2454 or email Captain Monk monk@seatrekbvi.com.