Island Times Blog

Anna Offers Workbook Tips

May 15th, 2013 by Anna |

Hi everyone! My name is Anna and I’m an intern with SeaTrek this summer. Are you ready to hit the books? By now the summer of 2013 Trek 1-6 Voyage participants should have received their books to prepare for their scuba classes. Have you gotten yours yet?

Each summer before participants go down island they complete the official NAUI dive workbooks to help become familiar with the course they are going to be certified in and to gain knowledge prior to the physical practice of the course. These books are VERY helpful resources. They may seem a little intimidating at first, but trust me, if anything they are so much fun… I mean who doesn’t love reading about scuba diving and viewing amazing underwater pictures on every page?!

When you complete your book make sure you do not simply scan to find the answer and write it down, but rather make sure you try to understand the material you are reading. These workbooks are going to be key in making sure you master the certification you will receive during your voyage. Don’t worry if you get stuck on a question or a concept though because when you get down island with us you will review your workbooks with your instructor. This is why you want to make sure you have them all done BEFORE you arrive. If you have any questions, your instructors will definitely be there to answer your questions. So… Summer is here! What are you waiting for? Get on your workbooks and start to prepare for the summer of your lives!

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