Aloha, everyone! My name is Angie (aka. “Dr. Chippy”), and I’m the Director of Marine Science and Intern Coordinator for SeaTrek. After another adventure-filled SeaTrek summer, I’ve had some time to settle back into my off-season home here in Indiana. I sit and watch the arrival of Fall and try not to get ahead of myself, knowing full well that before we know it we’ll be again soaking up the Caribbean sun and rigging the SeaTrek boats for the 2014 summer season (continued…)
Time certainly does roll on much like the ebb and flow of the ocean we all love so much. I can’t help but think about how much SeaTrek has grown in the eight years I’ve been a part of the team. As I reminisce I feel a tremendous sense of pride and happiness for what we’ve accomplished and for the relationships we’ve built and continue to grow, both within and beyond the SeaTrek family. These connections and shared goals are what life’s all about, right? I mean when you get to be my age (29-ish =] ), you really start to think about these sorts of things. You also have the benefit of some years and experiences behind you so your perspective comes more and more into focus.
Even after 8 years of working for SeaTrek I still get much satisfaction when describing what my “summer job” entails. I mean, really!?!? I get paid to swim, sail, scuba dive, teach, explore, travel, and interact with amazing young people.
Yes, we all work very, very hard, but it’s so worth it. Sometimes I have to pinch myself – I have the job that I dreamed of doing from a very young age. And what’s more, I know that my work makes a difference in people’s lives. We often receive emails in which students and their families express their gratitude for the experience of SeaTrek and even state that we were an inspiration in their lives. How blessed am I to have a career that makes me often feel tremendous gratitude and validation! One of the projects we are most proud of here at SeaTrek is our partnership with the Jost Van Dykes Preservation Society.
Dr. Chippy is pictured front and center with the FATHOMS Voyage
I am infinitely grateful for the time, resources, and people who have worked so hard to build and grow this collaboration. We’ve really built something here and we are all reaping the benefits for our efforts. Take a look at this article and you’ll understand what I’m talking about:
Be careful though, you just might get a case of the warm fuzzies =] Make sure to scroll down and click “Like.” If we get enough Likes then the article will be published internationally. Here’s to gratitude and validation! Thank you all for taking the time to read my humble ramblings and for your continued support of SeaTrek BVI. We look forward to seeing you in 2014!